Sunday, June 3, 2012


Hi there. So, it's been about 4 months since I last posted, even though I had previously promised to start posting on my blog more(ha! That worked out). I had good reasons though, I wasn't just being lazy. I started a new job working for Clinique in January, as well as a new gig teaching dance classes to small children, so I haven't had a lot of free time as of late. Furthermore, my work dress code requires me to wear all black. This was originally supposed to be a blog about my own personal style, and the restrictive nature of my work wardrobe doesn't really allow me to do that.

I definitely want to start blogging more because I really do enjoy it(even if no one actually reads this thing), so I'll try and find more time for it. Though some of my posts will be in the same vein as my old ones, this blog will probably be heading in a new direction. It may not seem like it, but there is a lot of work that goes into making an outfit post, and I just don't want to work that hard on a hobby that's supposed to be semi-relaxing. That's not to say I might not go back to them eventually, but at this point they'll be on the backburner, and the main content of the blog will become a bit more random.

And with that, I leave you with this adorable picture of a panda photographer. Enjoy.

I love pandas

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